
“The definition of insanity is repeating the same behaviour and expecting different results” attributed to Albert Einstein

6 weeks (one hour a week)

Next course starting: Monday 27th January 2020 7pm         ******************FULL******************

At STUDIO 17, 17 Turnham Green Terrace, CHISWICK

Cost: £300 per person

Practical Mindfulness Courses

I hold a variety of courses, both corporate and private, teaching mindfulness and meditation. I really enjoy teaching people lasting skills in a relaxed environment. The intention is to teach people to live a more gentle, kind, satisfying way of life. Life can be so much easier and more fun than we have been conditioned to believe.

I do a course that is an hour a week for 6 weeks. I like to keep the groups small so that everone gets personal attention. Most of my courses are held in central Chiswick, at a variety of times. and we are seated in comfortable upright chairs.  We practice meditation and learn some mindfulness techniques and processes. We also focus on some simple techniques that help  gain  clarity and release  unhelpful patterns of thought. I explain what stress and anxiety are and how to live with more ease.

Some people that come on the courses have practiced meditation before and some have never tried it. In my experience it is enormously helpful to have someone to explain some of the things that come up when we start practicing meditation. For some people meditating can be a bit tricky when they start out and I am able to guide them through it with helpful information.

In the courses I also go into what the Neuropsychologists have discovered about the way our brains function and why stress and negativity can become a vicious cycle. I explain the negativity bias we have developed over millions of years and why we pay more attention to things that go wrong than to things that go right and how to counter balance this.

I am acutely interested in the psychology of mindfulness and how the mind works. I really do believe that if we change our mind we can change our life. When we learn to work with the mind instead of being in a constant battle with the mind, and our thoughts, life becomes so much easier. I go into how intention, perspective and beliefs affect our lives and how to make positive changes from the inside out.

Another subject that we discuss are emotions, what they are and how they work. I talk about what creates secondary suffering and how to use our emotions as our guidance system in a gentle practical way.

I always say at the beginning of the mindfulness courses, or the beginning of the counselling or coaching, that we don’t know what we don’t know until we know it. Sometimes we have simply become used to the mild discomfort, explaining to ourselves that things just aren’t that bad, we get better and better at just putting up with it all.

A 6 week mindfulness course can reveal the answers and solutions we are searching for. Whether it’s the usual group sessions or whether you would like a privately tailored course,   please get in touch to find out more.  078541 38080

“Shirley’s courses are proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks. It was practical and interesting and has had a significant affect on my lifestyle.”    Edith L