How A Mindfulness Coach Can Help You Beat Your Cravings

We tend to associate the word ‘addiction’ with something that is highly self-destructive, such as smoking or narcotics. However, not all addictions fall into this category. If you crave something, it becomes a habit, and this becomes addiction. It could be anything from social media to junk food! Below, we reveal how a mindfulness coach can help you beat these bad habits once and for all.

For those who are unaware, mindfulness is a state of being highly aware of what is going on. You can utilise this to figure out what triggers your cravings, how they make you feel, and then how to stop the habit loops that cause the cravings to re-occur. Mindfulness training courses can help you to overcome cravings more effectively. This is something that has been tried-and-tested by psychiatrist Dr Judson Brewer. He set up a pilot study to determine whether people would be able to quit smoking with mindfulness. The results were positive. In fact, participants gave up at twice the rate compared with established quitting methods. So, how will a mindfulness coach help you to beat your cravings? There are a number of approaches. Firstly, they will help you to recognise your cravings. No matter whether you have an urge to check if your Facebook photo has reached 30 likes, a temptation to play an online slot game, or a compulsion to raid the fridge, they will help you to focus on your cravings and recognise them for what they are.

A life coach London will then teach you how to accept your cravings. You should allow the craving to be there. You need to find a way to acknowledge the craving you are experiencing, whether this is a nod of the head or the utter of a phrase. You shouldn’t ignore it or try to distract yourself from the situation. Instead, you will investigate it. This is what a coach will teach you to do. They will ask you what your body feels like while you are experiencing the craving. This is something you should let come naturally to you; don’t go looking for it. Finally, you should make a note of the experience. You don’t need to make it like a diary entry; you can simply write down a few bullet points about how you felt and what you were thinking. You should keep following it until the craving subsides. This is called ‘non-identification’ because we no longer identify with an object as much once we become aware of it. This simple four-step process can really help you to understand your cravings and get to grips with them so that you can kick those bad habits once and for all.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how a mindfulness coach can help you to get rid of bad habits. It is all about being aware of how you are feeling and what it means. Only then can you start to live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.